Part-time bodybuilder, full-time cat dad. I'm 24 years old and I've been a personal trainer for 3 years. However, fitness has been a part of my life for almost a decade, starting as a young teenager when I was first introduced to the gym. I've been through it all. I used to be overweight and was never comfortable in my own body. I lost over 50lbs and made MANY mistakes along the way. I always thought I would be "happy" in my skin after losing weight, but boy was I wrong. Fitness isn't just about a number on the scale, working out until you're passing out, endless hours of cardio, or restrictive low-calorie diets. I believe it's about becoming the best version of yourself while learning what your body is capable of and implementing what works for YOU! I've now been bodybuilding for almost 3 years and can finally say I LOVE MY BODY! And my goal is to help YOU love yourself too! I will teach you how to listen to your body, and build a structure that revolves around YOUR lifestyle! We all have different genetics, body types, metabolisms, etc. so why would you follow basic cookie-cutter plans that DON'T work long-term? Let's get started and help you get REAL RESULTS YOU DESERVE!